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Shot-by-Shot Group Project Form

Film Title (Director, Date)

Shot Number I-10; you should "title" each shot too

LENGTH  in minutes and/ or seconds
DESCRIPTION  Describe the content of the shot. What is the "subject matter" of the shot? Is it an establishing shot? Does this shot maintain continuity with the previous shot, whether as a POV shot, part of a shot/reverse shot series, or a match on action?
COMPOSITION  Describe the visual content of the shot. How are space, volume, shapes, tones, colors (only if the film is in color!) of the scene arranged graphically? How are patterns of light and dark arranged graphically (especially in black-and-white films)? Are there strong diagonals, verticals, and/or horizontals that are expressively framed? Does the composition graphically match, contrast, or otherwise respond to the composition of the previous shot? How?
CAMERA PLACEMENT, LEVEL, & ANGLE  Is the camera placement low, medium (eye-level), or high in relation to the action being filmed? Is the camera canted or straight-on? Is the camera angle high, medium (straight-on), or low?
SHOT SCALE What is the framing of the shot? LS, MS, CU? or a variable of these (e.g., extreme long shot or medium close up)?
CAMERA MOVEMENT  Does the camera move on an axis (tilting or panning)? Does it move through space (tracking or crane shot)? Or is the camera stationary (no movement)?
OPTICAL MOVEMENT Is there lens movement (zoom in/out? racking focus?) instead of or in addition to the above camera movement?
LIGHTING  Is the lighting low-key (hard, shadowy, high-contrast) or high-key (soft, low-contrast)? If the contrast is strong, is there an effect of chiaroscuro? Is there an attempt to use or reproduce "natural" lighting? If so, does it appear that fill lighting enhances the natural light?
FOCUS AND DEPTH OF FIELD Are all planes in the frame in focus (deep focus)? Or are only those planes in the fore- or middle-ground in focus (shallow or selective focus)? Also, Is the space in the frame shallow, medium, or deep?
SOUND Is sound composed of music, speech/dialog, and/or sound effects/noises? Is there any nondiegetic sound present? Are there any ambient sounds in addition to more direct sounds? Note: there's no need to list each individual sound (e.g., bus, whistle, water dripping, etc.), but be sure to describe the type of sounds (ambient, etc.). Is there obvious post-dubbing? Is there a sound bridge across shots (music? dialog? ambient? a combination of these?)?
SPECIAL EFFECTS Catch-all category for any apparent use of matte shots, rear projection, double exposure, miniatures or models, CGI, etc.
EDIT (AT END OF SHOT) Straight cut? Dissolve? Fade out? Wipe? Iris in?